Swimming is always fun, but want to protect your hair from damage? Caring for your hair while swimming is a relatively simple process. You know the right way and you are lucky. Unfortunately, this is exactly where many of us fail and need help. This is why your hair becomes dry and brittle after all swimming. Before swimming, learn the correct procedure for hair care.
Is chlorine really bad for hair?
Chlorine is one of the most common cleaning agents used in pool maintenance. However, chlorine can also damage hair. It can dry out the scalp and cause dandruff, or discolor the hair. This is because chlorine and salt increase the pH of the water, counteracting the acidic pH of the hair.
Can chlorine promote hair loss?
In some cases, chlorinated water can promote hair loss. This mainly happens to those who already have thinning hair or neglect hair care. The only thing that helps here is to protect the scalp and preferably to use a cap.
How to Protect Your Hair from Pool Water
There are two ways to do this, and both are necessary and equally important. The first is the pre-swim hair care routine, the other is the post-swimming care.
You should be able to get that the main active ingredient here is chlorine. In pools, it is used to kill bacteria and maintain hygiene levels in the pool. And while chlorine may protect you from infections, it does damage your hair.
Chlorine strips the natural oils from your hair, making it dry and weak. Chlorine is a powerful substance that causes visible damage to unprotected hair. Scary, isn’t it?
It’s time to fight the chlorine. Before entering the pool, the rule of hair care is to protect your hair from damage to chlorine, it is strictly to apply hair protection applications before and after swimming.
All you need for this is some materials, products, and a few minutes of time. It is easier and smarter to protect your hair from chlorine rather than straightening it after the damage is done. You do not think so?
So, prepare a full-fledged hair care routine to keep your luscious hair in shape while you enjoy swimming.
Hair Care While Swimming
Pre-Swim Care
- Oil Your Hair
- Prefer Pools with quick showers
- Apply Conditioner
- Squeeze Hair Spray
- wear cap
After Swimming Routine
- Shampoo your hair
- Apply a moisturizing mask
- Oiling is an excellent treatment for your hair before entering the pool. It makes your hair waterproof and creates a protective layer on the scalp. This prevents chlorine from entering your hair and damaging its color and shine. It also prevents yellow and colored hair from turning green.
- Gently pour hair oil into clean, damp hair. Purchase a range of hair oils for excellent hydration and protection. These can be: coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil, and Moroccan oil, choose from.
How to take care of hair when swimming
Hair care after the pool must be done correctly because the chemicals in the pool are harmful in the long run. When spring and summer come, the pools become quite busy. Although this is for cooling and enjoying the summer, the chlorine contained here harms the hair. The longer you stay, the worse your hair will be affected.
Therefore, how you can perform maintenance operations is of great importance. You can achieve better results if you pay attention to certain items before and after entering the pool. One of them is to braid your hair. Thus, it is possible to keep your hair tidy.
It is also recommended to rinse your hair before swimming. Not only does this keep the pool healthier by cleaning your styling products. At the same time, if you cover your hair with chlorine-free water, you can prevent your strands from absorbing every chemical in the pool. The freshwater protective layer also prevents your hair from absorbing too much salt.
If you are wondering if the pool can damage the hair, the answer to this question is yes. If you want to prevent this, it is recommended that you take care of these items before jumping into the pool.
What can you do if you have dry skin after swimming?
Particularly frequent bathing in chlorinated water can lead to undesirable skin reactions. People with sensitive and dry skin are particularly affected here, but this phenomenon can also occur in non-sensitive skin types.
Tip 1: shower
Showering after swimming in the pool is one of the basic skin care routines. For example, it helps to remove the chlorine and pool water left on the skin. As a shower gel, you should choose a mild moisturizing product with a neutral pH value, which has a positive effect on the skin and its protective acid mantle. There are also special shower gels* for those who swim a lot.
Tip 2: Dry gently instead of rubbing
From an early age, people are used to certain rituals after bathing. For many, this also includes vigorous rubbing with a towel to dry the skin. However, this can attack the protective layer of the skin after bathing in chlorinated water. For this reason, it is recommended to blot the skin or use a soft washcloth. At best, you should of course shower off the chlorine water beforehand, as described above.
Tip 3: care products
Careful care is particularly important for sensitive skin. But even if you have normal skin, it makes a lot of sense to care for it with a moisturizer after swimming in the pool water.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and deserves good care. Care should be taken when bathing in chlorinated water, especially if you have sensitive skin, as the water affects the skin’s acid mantle.
In general, it can be said that all skin types should be adequately cared for, especially after bathing. But good care is also important in advance. Then nothing stands in the way of pool fun.